Libramiento Tampico km. 2.5, Zona Comercial de las Haciendas, local 10 C.P 42079, Pedregal, 42079 Pachuca de Soto, Hgo.

Working Hours
Monday to Friday: 9AM - 6PM



It is a system that provides the user with the ability to automatically select specific terms and figures from any URL and allows them to be transformed into infographics or make comparisons of them, showing the most relevant data. Num3r1ka allows the user to customize the elements giving it their own personal interpretation, the site is attractive and friendly in such a way that the handling is simple and easy.


It is a cloud-based data management system, custom built for specific processes in the market research industry. The tools included in this system allow the monitoring of specific products for sale in different countries of the Americas, with historical price sequences, interactive graphics for business intelligence, visual and shelf positioning information, and automated export to print templates in PDF, among others.